A story of freshness

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Exciting changes...
Greetings and thank you for taking the time to explore our pages of information, fun and service offerings.
We are excited to share with you some upgrades to our current ways we service your needs, and a fresh new approach to delivering these services.
With our well-established businesses, "Healing Wings of Light", and "Divine Essence Therapies" (over 18 years combined experience) our fresh new approach gives service options like never before.
We can work together;
* In person
* via Zoom or Skype
* over the Phone
* or a Mobile service (come to you) if required
We are focused on the growing, and expanding need for our community, to have easy access to modalities that assist us in life, in many great ways, to resolve or bring peace to the past, so that one can enjoy a completely new look on life, bringing things back, such as joy and happiness, that sounds great right!
We can also help you find and be on the right path for your soul purpose and clear any clutter that gets in the way of being your truth.
A little about my background:
I have worked through a deep transformation, that has seen me resolve deep traumas of my past and regain a life that I could only ever have dreamed of before that.
Through my extensive training and search, I have tools that helped me resolve this earlier conflict, which in turn has inspired me, to share what I have learnt and teach what practices I know work, so others can feel whole as well.
I have many clients who can attest to this, as you will see when you read the testimonials on the home page when you scroll down.
I invite you to join me on a life changing journey together, as we genuinely make your life better. Book now, you will impact your life in a positive way by doing so!
Thank you, and I greatly look forward to us working together shortly.